
Personal Space - A Social Story

Today, we watched a video about personal space.  This lead on nicely from our last video about hitting. The video showed us that people have a bubble around them and we need to think about whether we get too close to them and how that makes them feel. We need to tell our friends "Give me space" if we need to. It is a good watch so take a look.

Weekly Catch-Up 18.10.24

This week, we have been talking about our feelings... Story focus : The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas Phonics focus : lots of blending practise and handwriting practise.  Maths focus : subitising to 4, showing the amount on our fingers. We have been comparing amounts using the words 'more' and 'fewer'. We have been using the stem sentences ' ___ has more', '__is more than __' and '___ has fewer'. PSHCE focus:  we introduced the Zones of Regulation, talking through feelings and placing them in the different zones. We have also recapped last week's social story about Scout and remembered the three things we can do when we are in the blue, yellow or red zone: do something that makes us feel calm; talk to a grown up or walk away.  Science focus : keeping healthy. We made a list of things we do which keep us healthy e.g exercise, eating a balanced diet, brushing our teeth, washing.  But we forgot about how important sleeping is! PE focus : moving

A window into our world.

 I hope that you enjoy the quick glimpse of the celebration of our children's learning which is always on the go in our classrooms. Don't forget open door next week for a closer look! Mr Hopegood

Gold Stars 16.10.24

 For being responsible.

Last Lesson of Catching

 Today was our last lesson of catching.  Children were learning to catch a piece of equipment.  Some children challenged themselves by touching their head before catching. 

Homework WB 14.10.24

  Below are this week's spellings. Some ways in which you can practise these are: rainbow writing, waterfall writing, bubble writing or backwards writing.  Please continue reading every day and continue exploring TT Rockstars.

Year 2 Spelling/Reading Homework

    Reading New Rhino Reader books have now been updated onto your child's Twinkl account and are ready for you to access.  This week we are reading 'The Big World Record Attempt' Please continue to write in your child's diaries when they have read to you.   Also as reminder that yellow reading diaries are not to be used as teacher communication books. Spelling Our fifth week of spellings is attached below as a reminder.    If you feel that your child has achieved a word, it can be ticked. We do also expect sentences to be written alongside the spellings practise, as we need your child to use these spellings within their writing. We will 'test' these spellings on a Tuesday and move your child on when appropriate.  Therefore, please make sure your child has their spelling book with them in school on a Tuesday as they will recieve their new spellings list stuck into their books.