
Playground games

 Today we have been learning more about traditional playground games! We have been finding out that there are new games that we can play that are also really fun!  These included: animal relays, giants and fairies, mirroring and clapping rhymes!

Weekly Round-up 17.1.25

Thank you to all those parents who are reading the Rhino Reader text with their child. We read it more than once to develop a deeper understanding, so remember to ask some questions about the text afterwards e.g about the characters or events in the story.  Story focus : Owl Babies by Martin Waddell Phonics focus : some of us have been reading words with new sounds and digraphs and some of us have been working on our segmenting (spelling). Maths focus: ordering numbers; 1 more than and not 1 more than; know the difference between day and night.   Our Maths curriculum is all about lots of repetition and small steps, which leads to children becoming more fluent in their skills. There is lots of research about this approach and is similar to the current thinking about rereading reading books to get that deeper understanding and confidence.  Science focus : identify machines and their purpose. PSHCE focus : know what is safe to put on my body.  History focus : find ...

Spelling and Reading in Year 2

 As we discussed in our Year 2 welcome meeting in September, we have changed the way we work with Twinkl go this year due to changes in the website.   We listen to the children read every day at school through our guided reading sessions - As modelled in our parent/teacher reading session at school.  We do not write in the children's yellow diaries everyday as this would be very time consuming and we would like to focus our efforts on physical learning, rather than writing in their books.  We do however check these books once a week to see the frequency of reading at home so please continue to note when your child has read to you - a signature will suffice with the book title.  We will also begin to acknowledge when your child has read in a smaller group with us and not just 1:1. Our yellow books are not for messages that need to be seen on that day.  Please refer any messages to the team, or to a member of staff on gate duty who will ensure that we ar...

Gold Stars 17.1.25

 The focus of our Gold Star Assemblies is now on being resilient.

Year 5 spellings - w.c. 20th January

Please see below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 20th January. If you could support your child by practicing these spellings with them it will aid their confidence in spelling these words in conjunction with our practice in class.  The spellings all follow the pattern of creating nouns using the suffix -ship.  The spelling words:  membership ownership partnership dictatorship championship  craftsmanship fellowship apprenticeship citizenship sponsorship

Food magazines

 Do you have any food magazines that we could use in our Science learning on Monday?  we will be learning about healthy foods and creating our own food pyramids! Thank you in advance! Year 2

Spelling next week . . .

 Our spelling focus next week is words that end in -ation Example words include Information Adoration Sensation Preparation Education Location Exaggeration Concentration Imagination Organisation The weblink below also provides further examples