
Fair Testing

 Year 4's Science theme of digestion continued today by looking at teeth and then we discussed Fair Testing and set up our experiment to be ready for our lesson next week.

Year 3 Homework- WB: 18/11/24

  This week, your child will be coming home with some maths homework which focuses on column subtraction with exchanging. To support your child with this, the following video helps to explain how to calculate the answers to these questions: 


 Have a look at our jumping lesson today. 

Parent/Pupil reading workshop -

 Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers who joined us for our reading session this morning.  It was so lovely for the children to share their learning with you all! The session was a whistle-stop tour of a 'week in the life of guided reading in year 2!'  We lead the children through our key three areas of our guided reading sessions - decoding, prosody and comprehension. If you were unable to attend, we will ensure that the presentation is shared.

Year 2 Spelling/Reading Homework Week 9

  Reading New Rhino Reader books have now been updated onto your child's Twinkl account and are ready for you to access.  This week we are reading 'A Colourful Festival' Please continue to write in your child's diaries when they have read to you.   Spelling Our next week of spellings is attached below as a reminder. The spellings this week will be new Year 2 common exception words (tricky words).  If you feel that your child has achieved a word, it can be ticked.  We do also expect sentences to be written  alongside the spellings practise, as we need your child to use these spellings within their writing. We will 'test' these spellings (on 26th November). Therefore, please make sure your child has their spelling book with them in school on a Tuesday as they will receive their new spellings list stuck into their books.

Science - Living things and their habitats

 In our Science learning today, we were tasked with matching animals from across the World with their habitats.  We played a game of 'Think-Pair-Share'  and had to match the animal, with the description of their habitat, a picture of them and a picture of their habitat.  Once we had found our 'group' we discussed the habitat and why that animal chooses to live there.

Save Our Insects

 The Nature Clubbers used the material colected last week to make mini-bug houses which we have put inside one of the ivy hedges where they will stay dry and provide over winter shelter for our tiny friends.