
Year 4's Fantastic Creative Homework.

 We have had some excellent Creative Homework handed in already! Some can go into books, but these are forming an amazing classroom display.

Our first Nature Club session.

 I was delighted to have so many children from across KS2 at the first Nature Club session of this academic year. We began by discussing the various habitats that are to be found in the Eco Garden area of the school field before going up there and having a nature walk finding habitats and guessing what might live there. On our return the children labelled a sketch map of the area with which animals they would expect to find in each habitat. Next week, weather permitting, we will go and see what we can find. Mr Hopegood :)

Being happy and healthy - PSHCE

 In today's PSCHE session, we read a book to help us think about being happy and healthy. Harold the giraffe shared how he kept happy and healthy, and we joined in we our own comments, noticing that we said different things.  In COOL Time, we drew pictures of ourselves and used loose parts to create our faces. 

PE - moving in a space

Today, RJ got changed for PE and Miss J was very impressed with how the children had a good try at getting ready independently. Keep working on this at home! We were shown how to check if our shoes are on the right feet: see if the velcro straps touch in the middle. If they stick out, they are on the wrong feet. We played some games to practise moving in a space. We enjoyed being Mr Men characters and we also enjoyed playing trains and tunnels! 

The Great Fire of London Day!

Today, the children have been immersing themselves within all things Great Fire of London.  Tudor doctors we became with Mrs May and we made our very own medical potions, to cure all different diseases and illnesses.  We all became bakers in Mrs Brown's bakery, where we made our very own bread rolls.  Our very own Pudding Lane we created with Miss Hughes and Mr Walton with Tudor houses made out of Lego. The children then used chalk and pastels on paper with Miss Pomeroy to create the fire and overlaid this with shapes to represent the Tudor homes.  To finish the day , Year Two were elated to witness the burning of our Tudor houses! We have been learning about how the fire started and spread so easily.  Despite this being our DT project over the last few weeks, the children were excited to see what would happen and discuss with Mr Knight why it was so difficult at that time in History for the fire to be extinguished.