
Showing posts with the label Reception

Being happy and healthy - PSHCE

 In today's PSCHE session, we read a book to help us think about being happy and healthy. Harold the giraffe shared how he kept happy and healthy, and we joined in we our own comments, noticing that we said different things.  In COOL Time, we drew pictures of ourselves and used loose parts to create our faces. 

PE - moving in a space

Today, RJ got changed for PE and Miss J was very impressed with how the children had a good try at getting ready independently. Keep working on this at home! We were shown how to check if our shoes are on the right feet: see if the velcro straps touch in the middle. If they stick out, they are on the wrong feet. We played some games to practise moving in a space. We enjoyed being Mr Men characters and we also enjoyed playing trains and tunnels! 

What have we been up to?

 We have been up to lots of things! We have playing lots of listening games on the carpet and we are  getting used to following instructions. We have been talking to new people and we have been making new friends. Adults are helping us by modelling social phrases and by explaining rules and why we have them. We had PE session where we practised moving in different ways. 

Gold Stars of the Week 12.9.24

Every week, we will have a Gold Stars assembly. This is where we celebrate children who have been showing our learning behaviours (The 6Rs).  To begin with, we are focusing on being responsible . Your child will receive a certificate and will have there photo taken for the blog (if you have given permission for this).

Starting School

Here are some snaps of us during our first few mornings at school. We have been exploring, playing chatting and following instructions and new rules.  I will update the blog weekly so check in next week! 

Thank you

 Thank you so much for your lovely words, cards and gifts. We are very lucky ladies!  The children have had a fab first year of school and we hope you have enjoyed seeing them progress. Have a lovely Summer!

A trip to the park

 We celebrated the end of  term with a trip to the park and an ice lolly!