Weekly Round-Up 13.2.25
Book focus : Mad About Dinosaurs by Giles Andrae. We have been learning and performing some poems from this book. Maths focus : revisiting the principles of counting; ordering numbers (noticing the staircase pattern); using the stem sentences 1 more than ___ is ___ and 1 less than ___ is _____; begin to see numbers over 5 as being made from 5 and a bit. Science focus : investigating fossils. PE focus : we used the trolleys to play a treasure game; they are great for our core muscles, strength and coordination. PSCHE focus : internet safety. We read a story about a girl who saw something on her Ipad which made her feel scared and frightened. We discussed that if you see something that makes you feel funny in your tummy then you should tell a grown up about it so that they can help you keep safe. We asked the children about what they liked to do on their IPad. Lots of them talked about watching You Tube and playing games. However, some of the children were talking ...