
Showing posts with the label Year 5

Year 5 Spellings w.c. 24th February

Please see below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 24th February.  If you could support your child by practicing these spellings with them it will aid their confidence in spelling these words in conjunction with our practice in class.    The spellings all follow the pattern of words with an /or/ sounds spelt with 'or'  Words in red  are year 5/6 statutory spelling words.    The spelling words:  forty  scorch  absorb decorate afford enormous category tornado according opportunity 

5H's Creative Homework - WOW

WOW WOW WOW!  Myself and Mrs Wilson have been amazed by the creative homework that has been handed in to us. There has been so much effort shown this term and I am so impressed. Thank you to all the adults for helping and encouraging the children to do their homework. It has paid off and there are lots of 6R badges that have been earnt ready to be picked up on Thursday!

Year 5 spellings - w.c. 10th February

Please see below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 10th February. If you could support your child by practicing these spellings with them it will aid their confidence in spelling these words in conjunction with our practice in class.    The spellings all follow the pattern of being homophones or near homophones.     The spelling words:  principal  principle profit prophet descent dissent desert dessert draft draught    

Egyptian Day!

On Wednesday we had Mark from Portals to the Past come in to tell us all about the Ancient Egyptians for our Egyptian day! Everyone had so much fun and we all learnt a lot, teachers included! Mark taught us about how Egypt was structured and ruled in Lower and Upper Egypt. We spent some time measuring the Egyptian way using fingers, palms and cubits. Meanwhile others were playing an Egyptian board game similar to what we play today as snakes and ladders. In the afternoon, we learnt about the process of mummification and held a mummification ceremony for our pharaoh. Lastly, we played a game of hounds and jackals, similar to bowling but with javelins with 5H coming out on top. We hope that everyone had a great day and that you have heard all about the day!

Year 5 as mini teachers!

This morning, year 5 were enlisted to be mini-teachers to year 3. Year 5 used their knowledge of column multiplication of a 1 digit number multiplied by a 2 digit number to teach and support the year 3s in their learning. The year 3s were also given an extra challenge with the year 5's word problem questions.  It was lovely to see the children helping each other out and working together!

Year 5 spellings - w.c. 3rd February

Please see below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 3rd February If you could support your child by practicing these spellings with them it will aid their confidence in spelling these words in conjunction with our practice in class.    The spellings all follow the pattern of being homophones or near homophones.     The spelling words:  alter altar ascent assent bridal bridle cereal serial compliment complement  

Egyptian Headdresses

This afternoon, year 5 made their own Egyptian God or Goddess inspired headdresses. We recapped our knowledge of the Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Then the children took inspiration from one (or multiple) of the gods to create their own headdresses. The completed headdresses all look BRILLIANT! They can be worn on Egyptian day and everyone will be looking the part.  We hope you like seeing what some of the children created!