
Showing posts with the label Year 5

Year 5 spellings - w.c. 20th January

Please see below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 20th January. If you could support your child by practicing these spellings with them it will aid their confidence in spelling these words in conjunction with our practice in class.  The spellings all follow the pattern of creating nouns using the suffix -ship.  The spelling words:  membership ownership partnership dictatorship championship  craftsmanship fellowship apprenticeship citizenship sponsorship

Year 5 Spellings - w.c 13th January

Please see below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 13th January. If you could support your child by practicing these spellings with them it will aid their confidence in spelling these words in conjunction with our in class practice.  The spellings all follow the pattern of creating nouns using the suffix -ness.  The spelling words:  happiness  hardness madness nastiness silliness tidiness childishness willingness carelessness foolishness

Year 5 Spellings - wc 6th January

Please see below the spellings that year 5 will be working on in the first week of the spring term. The week commencing the 6th January. If you could support your child by practicing these spellings with them it will aid their confidence in spelling these words in conjunction with our in class practice.  The spellings all follow the pattern of creating nouns using the -ity suffix. Word in pink are examples of statutory spelling words for year 5/6.  community curiosity ability visibility captivity activity eternity flexibility possibility sensitivity

Year 5 Courageous Advocacy Project 2024

 Over the past few days, year 5 have created some amazing pieces of art for the Courageous Advocacy Project. First, we created our own self-portraits using a class colour and a range of artistic materials. Next, we were given a feather to paint and we wrote something that we were grateful for on the back. These feathers will be part of a whole school art piece which is going to look brilliant. After that, we drew around our own shoes and designed these with things that were important to us. These turned out really well and very colourful too! Finally, we designed our own hot air balloons and then we used Hama beads to bring our plans to life. We can not wait to see them up on display around the school. 

Christmas Quiz!

This morning, 5H and 5C were pitted against each other in a Christmas themed quiz. The children got into teams with some Christmassy themed names aiming to win a chocolate santa and the Christmas Quiz trophy for their class. The rounds involved Christmas trivia, identifying films and songs. With some snowman based activities. First, drawing a snowman on a paper plate that is on your head! Also, creating a snowman using toilet paper and a team member. It was fun all around, for both the children and teachers! With the Carol Kittens winning brining the win to 5H! Wooo

Year 5 Spellings - wc 16th December

See below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 16th December. Please support your child by practicing these spellings with them. This will aid their spelling of these words in conjunction with our in class daily practice.  The spellings are recapping some of the year 5/6 statutory spellings that have come up this half term. Recapping previous statutory spelling words yacht guarantee equipment environment government parliament frequently

Christmas Carol Service

 Yesterday, we all attended our annual Christmas Carol Service. We were entertained by a variety of musicians, a poem from our poet laureate and a talk led by Reverend Tasha. Our Year 6's read from The Bible and had written their own prayers to read. This was topped off by some festive carols. Thank you to both Father Simon and Reverend Tasha for hosting us! A special thank you to our photographer!

Year 5 Spellings - wc 9th December

See below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 9th December. Please support your child by practicing these spellings with them. This will aid their spelling of these words in conjunction with our in class daily practice.  The spellings are all examples of the year 5/6 statutory spellings. These are some of the more challenging spelling words that the children need to know.  Statutory spelling challenge words vegetable vehicle bruise soldier stomach recommend leisure privilege occur neighbour
 Year 5 homework We have already had some fantastic pieces of homework that have been handed in. It is clear to see that the children are working extremely hard at home. We can  not wait to see more pieces during the last week of term.
  This week has been another busy one in 5C. In geography, we have been learning about volcanoes and this week, we designed our very own posters. In science, we have been busy comparing different life cycles. In music, we have been using the glockenspiels as we have been exploring different jazz pieces of music  

Year 5 Spellings - wc 2nd December

See below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 2nd December. Please support your child by practicing these spellings with them. This will aid their spelling of these words in conjunction with our in class daily practice.  The spellings are connected by the spelling rule: adverbs of possibility and frequency.  Any words shown in pink are year 5/6 statutory spelling words.    Adverbs of possibility and frequency certainly definitely possibly perhaps probably frequently often occasionally rarely always

5H's Sharing Assembly

This morning, 5H showcased some of their learning from year 5 so far in their sharing assembly. Myself and Mrs Wilson were so proud of how the children did this morning with two days of practice! I have had other teachers tell me that it was a lovely show of work too, everyone should be really proud of themselves!! I hope those of you that came along enjoyed hearing about our learning too. There are some photographs below from this morning for people who could not make it. Have a great weekend! Miss Hunn   

Year 5 Spellings - wc 25th November

See below the spellings that year 5 will be working on next week; the week commencing the 25th November. Please support your child by practicing these spellings with them. This will aid their spelling of these words in conjunction with our in class daily practice.  The spellings are connected by the spelling rule: words ending in -ment Any words shown in pink are year 5/6 statutory spelling words.  Words ending in ‘ment’ equipment environment government parliament enjoyment document management movement replacement statement

Tag Rugby Tournament

 Today, the children competed in the Canonium Learning Trust Tag Rugby Tournament.  The children did themselves proud and finished second.