Today we revisited our learning by solving problems together with money. We looked at the first step before moving to the second step, making sure we had read the question carefully and used the correct coins!
Today we investigated the importance of washing our hands! We talked about 'good bacteria' that is always present and the 'bad bacteria' that can make us poorly. We learnt how to wash our hands properly and what happens to germs if we don't! We completed the pepper experiment, predicting and then investigating what would happen to the 'germs' if our hands were dirty and what would happen if they had hand wash on them. We were amazed at the results and recorded these too!
We used our learning over the past couple of weeks to solve problems involving money and bringing in our past learning of addition. We had to carefully read the problems, highlighting the most important parts, before deciding on the number sentence we would need! Some of us decided to use our knowledge of tens and ones, some of us used part-whole and many of us showed our independence by choosing the manipulatives we knew we needed to support us to find the answer!