
Showing posts with the label Year 3

World Book Day in 3C

Happy World Book Day! Today, we looked at the power of words through the story of 'The Word Collector' written by Peter H. Reynolds. Have a look at the fun learning that we took part in today! This morning, we read with the pupils in Mr Ladlow's Year 1 class.  We then went on to complete a word hunt and collected words around the school.   Finally, we learnt about being a builder with our words. 

World Book Day

 'Words have power. Power to build others up or tear them down. Be a builder'. 3A have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day!  They have shared stories with Miss Lucas' class, read the book, 'The Word Collector', where they learnt about the importance of words, and even became word collectors themselves through a scavenger hunt!

Nature Club - Spring has sprung!

 In Nature Club we have been celebrating the start of meteorological spring by looking for it's signs in the school grounds. As you can see, there is plenty! Blossom, catkins, daffodils about to flower, a crocus and foxy footprints in the sandpit.

Year 3 Spelling w.c 03.03.25

   Please practise these spellings at home as the children will assessed on them on Friday. We will also be working on them every day in school but any further practise at home will always help. Homophones and near homophones      scent sent vain vein rode road steel steal waist waste

Year 3 Spellings w.c 24.02.25

   Please practise these spellings at home as the children will assessed on them on Friday. We will also be working on them every day in school but any further practise at home will always help. grate great grown groan plain plane  peace piece rain reign

Blue Spelling Books

Last term, we gave the children a small spelling book to take home, to learn their spellings throughout the week. On a Tuesday these spellings are updated. Please can you ensure that your children brings in their spelling book every Tuesday, to get theirs updated for the current week ahead.  Thank you for your continued support Miss Catchpole

Butterfly Mind

As part of our learning for Mental Health Week, today Year 3 were lucky enough to have Kim come in from a company called 'Butterfly Mind'.  The company is based on mental health and support us to progress from a wriggly caterpillar and then flourish in a beautiful butterfly, by being kind to our mind.  Thank you Kim for coming in and for giving us some strategies for staying calm, when things get tough. 

Year 3 Spellings w.c 10.01.25

    Please practise these spellings at home as the children will assessed on them on Friday. We will also be working on them every day in school but any further practise at home will always help. Scheme Chorus Echo Character ache chaos stomach chemistry orchestra technology

Year 5 as mini teachers!

This morning, year 5 were enlisted to be mini-teachers to year 3. Year 5 used their knowledge of column multiplication of a 1 digit number multiplied by a 2 digit number to teach and support the year 3s in their learning. The year 3s were also given an extra challenge with the year 5's word problem questions.  It was lovely to see the children helping each other out and working together!

Year 3 Spellings w.c 27.01.25

  Please practise these spellings at home as the children will assessed on them on Friday. We will also be working on them every day in school but any further practise at home will always help. misspell mislead mistreat misbehave mistrust misprint misuse misplace misheard misread

Year 3 Spellings w/c 20.01.25

 Please practise these spellings at home as the children will assessed on them on Friday. We will also be working on them every day in school but any further practise at home will always help.