
Showing posts with the label Year 3

Math Homework- 13.01.25- How do you access the timetables that have been set?

 This week for Math's homework your class teacher has set the 3x tables to practise on TTRockstars .  TTRockstars To access the timetables set by your teacher follow these instructions. You can only get the set times tables on the two following games that are explained below.  Once you have played both of these games, have a go at the other games on the website but be mindful that they will contain all of the timestables.  For their Maths homework, your child should be engaging with the website for at least 30 mins. Have fun! Any questions please don't hesitate to ask your teacher.  Game One- Garage Click on single player. Select the game called Garage. This screen should come up to show the timestable that you've been set. Then press play.  Play as many times as you can to improve your personal score and to earn coins.  Game Two- Arena Click on multiplayer Choose the game- Arena Click on 3C and choose you arena. Wait for the timer in the right hand bl...

Year 3 Spellings Spring Term

Below are the spellings for this Spring term for year 3 that we will be working on and learning each week. Please apply these spelling skills as much as possible at home. 

A big thank you and Merry Christmas!

All of the Year 3 Staff were blown away with your kindness and generosity this week! Your kind words, gifts and cards are very much appreciated. Thank you so much from all the staff in Year 3.  We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.  We are looking forward to seeing all the children back in January 2025!

Christmas Carol Service

 Yesterday, we all attended our annual Christmas Carol Service. We were entertained by a variety of musicians, a poem from our poet laureate and a talk led by Reverend Tasha. Our Year 6's read from The Bible and had written their own prayers to read. This was topped off by some festive carols. Thank you to both Father Simon and Reverend Tasha for hosting us! A special thank you to our photographer!

A visit from Santa!

 3C were extremely excited today as they were lucky enough to have a visit from Father Christmas and his elves!  We started by listening to 'T'was The Night Before Christmas' which was read to us by Nanny Claus and then we sang jingle bells. Next, we went through the enchanted forest to collect a magical wish, before then giving Father Christmas the letters that we had written.  It was magical- thank you to PTFA for organising this for us all!

Christmas Dinner Day!

Christmas dinner whilst wearing your Christmas jumper- what could be better! Merry Christmas from Year 3!