
Showing posts with the label KSM Life in all its fullness

Team Titans support our Children's Mental Health Week

 Year 2 and Year 5 were lucky enough to have fitness sessions with Sam of 'Team Titans' today as part of our dedication to the mental health of the young people at Kelvedon.  It was also a chance for the children to learn how exercise can also support their mental health and discuss healthy eating whilst learning some new 'drills'. Team Titans have also offered to come back after the half term to run sessions with more KS2 classes! We can't thank them enough for their support and encouragement with recognising how important children's mental health and well being is. Titans run after school sessions for our children on Tuesday and Wednesday between 3.30 and 4.15.  

The Butterfly Mind supports our Children's Mental Health week

 This week, we had a visit from Kim of 'The Butterfly Mind'.  She led sessions with us on mindfulness and strategies to overcome stress and anxiety and how we can support our feelings and help us to stay in the green zone. Thanks to Kim for supporting our Children's Mental Health Week!

Children's mental health week - Amazing people schools

 Today some of the school enjoyed a live event with 'Amazing People Schools' as part of Children's Mental Health week. We 'virtually' joined 300+ other schools from around the country to meet and listen to a Premier League Footballer.  The role model chosen was Fulham player Josh King.  At only 18 years old and currently studying for his A-Levels, Josh has overcome challenges to be where he is today.  He talked to us about resilience and dreaming big, believing in ourselves and building our resilience.  He also told us to spread the kindness as this helps everyone!

Wonderful Wetlands

 In Nature Club today we watched the clip below and discussed the importance of our local East Anglian Coastal Wetlands and their international importance.

Mayan Day.

 Year 4 looked back at our previous topic of the Maya, the day was delayed due to booking isues. We all enjoyed being variously sacrificed in five different ways, exploring Maya artefacts and being part of the retelling of the Maya Creation Story. All the staff in school were hugely impressed by the marvellous Maya costumes that so many of the children came in, so a big thank you for your support.

Chinese Lunar New Year

 Today in Year 2, we celebrated Lunar New Year! We learnt about the history of the Chinese calendar and how the New Year is celebrated, before creating many crafts linked to the year of the snake! In English, we read and followed instructions and also wrote messages of kindness and goodwill in our own fortune cookies. In Maths, we learnt how to paint the numbers to ten in Chinese and also used our skills of addition, subtraction and multiplication to complete Maths puzzles! Our day culminated in a parade of all of our hard work!