
Showing posts with the label Year 6

An appreciative audience

 This morning, classes 6L and 5H shared their writing with each other. 5H read their defeating a monster story to their Year 6 partner and listened to some Year 6 writing which included some poetry, stories and descriptive recounts. The children had the opportunity to say what they had enjoyed about their partners work and provided a great purpose for their writing.

Macbeth Rap

This afternoon the children were able to perform their Macbeth Rap in a Year 6 'Rap-Off'. They were excited to see what their friends had created and we were astounded by the creativity and range of techniques and skills used. This was a great way to end our topic and use language in a new and interesting way.

Children's mental health week - Amazing people schools

 Today some of the school enjoyed a live event with 'Amazing People Schools' as part of Children's Mental Health week. We 'virtually' joined 300+ other schools from around the country to meet and listen to a Premier League Footballer.  The role model chosen was Fulham player Josh King.  At only 18 years old and currently studying for his A-Levels, Josh has overcome challenges to be where he is today.  He talked to us about resilience and dreaming big, believing in ourselves and building our resilience.  He also told us to spread the kindness as this helps everyone!

Thank you and Merry Christmas from the Y6 team!

 We just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone and all the best for the new year! We have had a fabulous start to the academic year and are looking forward to the Spring term. Thank you to anyone who sent in gifts or cards- this was very generous of you! We hope you all have a restful and happy holiday! With love from the Y6 Team

That's a wrap!

 It's difficult to believe that the first term of this academic year is already over! This week, we have been busy with our 'Courageous Advocacy' project, where we have completed a range of activities for displays around the school. We quilled a variety of instruments, made mountain climbing figures, and contributed to two whole school displays with our portraits and a gratitude feather. We have also completed a range of Christmas themed activities and had our playleader reward of a movie and popcorn!

Christmas Carol Service

 Yesterday, we all attended our annual Christmas Carol Service. We were entertained by a variety of musicians, a poem from our poet laureate and a talk led by Reverend Tasha. Our Year 6's read from The Bible and had written their own prayers to read. This was topped off by some festive carols. Thank you to both Father Simon and Reverend Tasha for hosting us! A special thank you to our photographer!

Spellings- Week Commencing 9/12/24

This weeks spelling pattern is: 'Creating diminutives using prefixes micro- or mini' These include words such as: minibus miniskirt minicam  minibeast  minicab  minimum  microscope  microchip  microphone  microwave

Year 6 Spellings- WC 25/11/24

 This week our spelling pattern is: 'Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning.' This includes words such as: suggest digest congestion gesture gestation lightning  daylight  enlighten  twilight  limelight

Tag Rugby Tournament

 Today, the children competed in the Canonium Learning Trust Tag Rugby Tournament.  The children did themselves proud and finished second.