
Showing posts with the label Year 4

Year 4's Fantastic Creative Homework.

 We have had some excellent Creative Homework handed in already! Some can go into books, but these are forming an amazing classroom display.

Our first Nature Club session.

 I was delighted to have so many children from across KS2 at the first Nature Club session of this academic year. We began by discussing the various habitats that are to be found in the Eco Garden area of the school field before going up there and having a nature walk finding habitats and guessing what might live there. On our return the children labelled a sketch map of the area with which animals they would expect to find in each habitat. Next week, weather permitting, we will go and see what we can find. Mr Hopegood :)


 Year 4 have rounded off another successful week with an N-Ball session delivered by FITC. As you can see, a great time was had by all!

Manipulatives in maths

 To make sure the children gain a deep understanding of the value of number in maths, we use physical resources called manipulatives. Here are some photos of the children using base ten or place value counters.

Spelling - week three

 Below are a list of words that we will be learning in spelling next week. As mentioned in yesterday's parent meeting, the children will learn: spelling patterns and rules and the sounds that letters or groups of letters make. Spelling is rarely about memorising a list of words.

Year Four Creative Homework

 Below is a copy of this half term's creative homework tasks. All of the children have a red creative homework book where their completed tasks can be stuck in. The red book can then be handed in on Wednesday the 18th October. We have spare red homework books should your child complete their book from year three.

Year 4's Science focus.

 Year 4's science focus involves understanding how animals have adapted to different habitats over time and where those habitats are found. We are looking at the Arctic regions of North America which is a great fit with our main topic. As you can see, our Year 4 children have excelled in their learning. The Year 4 Team :)

Team building in Year 4.

 Year 4 has had a number of team building PSHE lessons over the last week and the children have responded brilliantly to their challenges. From making Diamond 9's for class rules, co-operating as human machines and today thinking about how to recognise and maintain positive friendships. The Year 4 Team :)

Our first topic of the year!

  This half term we will be looking at the geography of North and South America and are sure that the children will enjoy the subject. All the children in both classes have been givena copy of this sheet which also has a copy of the Creative Homework on the reverse. The Year 4 Team.

Year 4 Zoo Trip

Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic day at the zoo yesterday. We were taught more about classification with real and replica examples and had so much fun exploring the zoo and its fantastic animals. As you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Miss Scotchford, Mr Joy and Mr Hopegood