Kelvedon Academy have been asked to share the following details with you on behalf of the Kelvedon & Feering Scout group: The Kelvedon & Feering Scout group are holding a fun day on Saturday 30 th September from 11.30am to 3.30pm to raise funds for the roof to the Scout building . They are looking for donations of raffle prizes, such as wine, gift sets, toiletries, toys, games, etc. There will also be a ‘crockery smash’, so any unwanted crockery items would be gratefully received . Mrs Webber, one of our parents, will be under the canopy at school morning drop off on Friday 22 nd September if you would like to drop off any donations. (Please do not leave any donations at the school office.) Details of the ‘Fun day’ are attached to this email and displayed on the noticeboard outside the school and around the village. The Scouts hope that you can join them.