
Spelling - 4F

 In year four, we will be investigating the spelling of commonly misspelt words. These words will be different for each class. Here are the words for 4F: Wednesday different because quarter weight height woman / women length minute science October


  In English this half term, the children have been learning to write a 4 picture story.  The children always think of a title for their story and then write 4 sentences about each picture.  The children must include a capital letter, finger space and a full stop.  Some children even use 'and' in their sentences. 

PE Update

 PE will now be on a Wednesday afternoon and not a Tuesday afternoon. 

Fair, Share, Dare.

 Year 4 is nearing the end of a very successful PE block - Fair, Share, Dare and have been demonstrating their skills by playing N-Ball.

Sharing our ghost stories!

Over the course of the last few weeks year 5 have been learning about creating atmosphere in order to write their own ghost stories. The audience of their stories has been year 3. So this afternoon the year 5's got to share their stories with the year 3's.  The year 3's really enjoyed hearing the year 5's stories with some even getting requests to write a part 2 to their stories. What a great and positive way to end the week!

Stop, think! A social story about hitting

 Today in our assembly, we watched a social story about hitting. Scout got angry and hit out. Stop, think! can be used in lots of different scenarios, not just when we are feeling angry.  At school, if people are using their hands in the wrong way (hitting, pulling each other, grabbing etc) the adults will ask us to stop and think about what we are doing.  We liked that Scout had three things that he could do if he felt angry: he could do a calming activity; tell a grown up or walk away.  We will explore this more next week. 
 5C Learning This week has been another busy week in 5C. In English , we have been busy trying to create atmosphere in our stories. We then shared this with year 3. They gave great feedback. In geography, we have been looking at vegetation belts. Also in science, we have been discussing the movement of the Moon, and how there are eight different phases. We found out some interesting facts!