
Year 5 Spellings - wc 5th November

See below the spellings that year 5 will be working on in our first week back; the week commencing the 5th November. Please support your child by practicing these spellings with them. This will aid their spelling of these words in conjunction with our in class daily practice.  The spellings are connected by the spelling rule: words with 'silent' letters Words with ‘silent’ letters doubt lamb debt thumb solemn autumn column knight knuckle knot

Year 5 Creative Homework

  This afternoon, Year 5 had the opportunity to share their creative homework. It was great to see and hear about all of their hard work. There were some amazing pieces. A big thank you to all the adults who supported with the homework too. 

2Bs sharing assembly

 We had an amazing time sharing some of our learning with you! We have really enjoyed our Great Fire of London theme and have learnt so many interesting things about this important part of British History. We hope you enjoyed our sharing assembly and also seeing our learning at open door!

FITC- 2B and 2M

 We have been lucky enough to have our outside PE sessions with FITC. This has not been wholly focussed on football, but a range of skills across a variety of sports.  We have worked as a team and perfected individual skills! We have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

English - 2B and 2M

 Today we shared our non-chronological reports with a friend and became teachers! We read each others reports and 'marked' them against our success criteria.  We really enjoyed this and saw it as a reflection of our hard work and allowed us to discuss our learning and further improve!

Discussions! 2B and 2M

 Today we focussed on our speaking and listening skills.  We discussed what makes a successful discussion and how we should look at people when they're talking, reflect on what they are saying and respond appropriately. We had five 'What if?' questions to answer as a group, listening, responding and recording our responses. We had some very thoughtful and comical responses in what was a really lovely lesson! Well done year 2!

Open Door - Friday 25.10

 Come along at 3pm on Friday to see some Dough Disco!