
World Book Day

 'Words have power. Power to build others up or tear them down. Be a builder'. 3A have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day!  They have shared stories with Miss Lucas' class, read the book, 'The Word Collector', where they learnt about the importance of words, and even became word collectors themselves through a scavenger hunt!

World Book Day

 Today for World Book Day, the Year 3 children came and read a book to us.  The children have had a fantastic World Book Day. They have made their own bookmarks and wrote their own stories. 

World Book Day Art

 Class 4H played a matching adjectives to textures game before choosing an adjective to decorate. Fantastic results!


 Yesterday in PE, we focused on gymnastics. The children were using the apparatus to climb and jump. The children were taught how to jump in a safe way.  

Our Gymnastics Lesson

This afternoon, we did our second gymnastics lesson. We explored counter tension and counter balance movements and linking them together to create a sequence.  I was so impressed with the attitude and the outcomes of this lesson from all of the children. They delved deeper into their learning and made some brillaint sequences. Some groups even challenges themselves by adding more than 3 balances to their sequence.  Have a look at some of the balances 5H created! I was so proud of all the children in this lesson!

Times table success

 At the start of our ICT sessions we always have undertaken practice runs of our multiplication times table check. The class is able to be calm and focussed and successful.

Fantastic start!

 Year 4's Vicious Viking topic has already inspired some brilliant Creative Homework submissions. On paper, by email, in 3D model and a real loaf of bread!