Parking at Kelvedon Academy
Please be reminded that the car park at Kelvedon Academy is for staff only
The front car park has designated parking spaces for Kelvedon Academy staff that are regularly coming in and out of the building at various times of the day.
These spaces, and the rear car park are not to be used by parents at any time, including dropping off or picking up students, late arrivals, dropping off forgotten items etc.
The only exception to this are a small number of parents (with prior arranged permission from the Head) that have permission to drop off/pick up their children in this area. (Those parents are aware of who they are.)
There is one designated disabled space in the car park (marked with chevrons). This is only to be used by an eligible vehicle displaying a blue badge/disabled parking permit for an occupant of the car who is present at that time. (The badge also needs to be displayed.)
All others are requested to park legally and safely in the surrounding streets, giving consideration to local properties and their occupants living around the school site.
Please do not park blocking anyone's access to their driveways, on corners etc. and follow the guidance of the Highway Code. There is also a community car park on the High Street which is clearly signposted a short walk away where cars can be parked if there are no safe spaces available outside the school .
Thank you for your support.