Parents Conference Booking Link

Here is your link to book your Spring Pupil & Parents/Carers Learning Conference appointment:

This link will lead you to an online form for completion. You will need to select your appointment from those remaining and submit. 

This is to be repeated for each of your children.

A letter was sent out to all parents/carers on Friday 20th March 2024 to explain how meetings would be booked.

Our Spring Pupil and Parents/Carers Learning Conference will be held on Wednesday 17th April and Thursday 18th April in the school hall and nearby classroom bases. It is held over two days to enable more appointments to be offered to choose from and give flexibility to parents / carers. Your child is welcome to join you, however if you prefer to meet with the teacher without them present this is fine.

On Wednesday the appointments will be between 3.30pm and 5.00pm. On Thursday appointments will be between 3.30pm and 7.00pm.

Each appointment will be for no longer than ten minutes. Should you wish to discuss further matters and your time has run out, then your child's class teacher will be only too pleased to book a further appointment at a convenient time for you both where the matter can be discussed in more detail. This can be arranged directly with the class teacher.

In order to improve the process of booking and organising appointments, the system allows you to book your actual appointment from those available with each class teacher for each of your children yourself. You will also receive an email immediately after to confirm each booking, rather than waiting for confirmation at a later date.

If you have any queries regarding your bookings, please direct them to the school office, and not the class teachers. If for any reason you need to cancel your appointment, please email as soon as possible.

(Appointments are allocated on a first come first served basis.)