Year 3 Autumn Term 1 Creative Homework

 Year 3 Creative Homework

Autumn Term 1 – Where My Wellies Take Me


Please choose at least 3 of the options below and complete them before Monday 21st October. Please stick your homework or a photo of what you have created into your creative homework book and bring it into school. We  would love to see how creative you have been!

1.    Kindness calendar- who knows, you might just change someone’s day for the better with a simple smile or a helpful gesture!


2.    Go for a walk around your local area. Sketch something interesting that you see. It could be a flower, a farmer’s field or even a park.


3.    Find out about an animal that you often see around your local area. Create a fact file with interesting facts about them.


4.    Design your own pair of wellies that you would wear when going on a walk.


5.    If you could visit anywhere in the world to explore, where would it be? Why? Write some sentences to explain your answer and think about what you would do while you are there.


6.    Create a map of your local area.


7.    Go for a walk around your local area. Create a tally chart of all the animals that you see.