Weekly Round-Up 12.12.24

What a busy week! We have had Nativity rehearsals, a Church visit and Christmas Dinner! 

Story Focus: The Birth of Jesus

Phonics focus: lots of recapping of reading Level 2 sounds and some of us have been reading and spelling with new sounds.  We continue to have daily handwriting practise and lots of us are writing words and captions. 

Maths focus: equal means the same; representations of 5; recognising that when sets if objects are rearranged the amount stays the same.

PSHCE/RE focus: showing kindness towards each other.

Art focus: cutting, sticking and printing Christmas cards.
PE focus: following instructions to play games.  We enjoyed using the trolleys/scooter boards to move around on. These are great for developing core strength, balance and coordination. 

COOL Time (Choosing Our Own Learning): this is where we play and interact with each other, taking turns and forming relationships. We are choosing the resources we need and adults are showing us how to use them. We need to be careful with our things.