Netball 06.03.25

 Another amazing show of determination and success.  We ended up very last minute with only 5 players, but the girls took on the challenge and worked hard for the team.

In a match against St Johns Green, we found ourselves falling behind a very defensive (and tall!) team.  With a goal scored by St John's Green just as time was called (We let them have it as we hoped that one day we would be repaid with the same kindness!) In an amazing feat of teamwork and resilience and some super scoring from Matilda, we fought back to only be one goal behind!  

The final score was 4-3 to St Johns, but without the goal scored when 'time' had been called, this would have been a draw!

Well done team Kelvedon! Another amazing match! POTM chosen by St John's was Isabella for her speed across the court and her determination to intercept.