

 Year 4 have rounded off another successful week with an N-Ball session delivered by FITC. As you can see, a great time was had by all!

Manipulatives in maths

 To make sure the children gain a deep understanding of the value of number in maths, we use physical resources called manipulatives. Here are some photos of the children using base ten or place value counters.

Year 3 Autumn Term 1 Creative Homework

  Year 3 Creative Homework Autumn Term 1 – Where My Wellies Take Me   Please choose at least 3 of the options below and complete them before Monday 21st October. Please stick your homework or a photo of what you have created into your creative homework book and bring it into school. We   would love to see how creative you have been! 1.     Kindness calendar- who knows, you might just change someone’s day for the better with a simple smile or a helpful gesture!   2.     Go for a walk around your local area. Sketch something interesting that you see. It could be a flower, a farmer’s field or even a park.   3.     Find out about an animal that you often see around your local area. Create a fact file with interesting facts about them.   4.     Design your own pair of wellies that you would wear when going on a walk.   5.     If you could visit anywhere in the world to explore, where would it be? Why? Write some sentences to explain your answer and think about what y

Year 3 Autumn Term 1 Topic Knowledge Organiser

 Below you will see year 3's topic knowledge organiser for autumn term 1. This is an overview of the topic, which explains key knowledge, skills, facts and vocabulary that children will learn throughout the topic. This also creates an opportunity for you to have discussions with your child at home and extend their knowledge further, if you wish. A copy of this will be sent home with your child today, alongside their creative homework.

Spelling - week three

 Below are a list of words that we will be learning in spelling next week. As mentioned in yesterday's parent meeting, the children will learn: spelling patterns and rules and the sounds that letters or groups of letters make. Spelling is rarely about memorising a list of words.

P.E - Circuits Year 2

 In indoor P.E. this week, we completed a circuit of different activities which worked on our balance, co-ordination, focus, agility, ability to change direction quickly and our stamina!  We had a really good session with lots of red faces to show for it! More photo's on the way..........

Maths - Year 2

 Over the past couple of weeks, we have been revisiting numbers to 20 and beyond, ensuring that our numbers are written correctly.  We have also been learning to write the number as a word and match it to the correct amount of Numicon. Over this week, this has developed into counting to 100 by making groups of ten.  We have been making sure that our counting is accurate and discovering ways to make counting easier.  We have used a variety of manipulatives to represent different numbers and 'proved' our findings by sharing our ideas and thoughts.